blurred edges @hinterconti // 05.-07.06.202


05.06.2024 / Start 19h

Queller Trio (concert)

Another adventure into Spontaneous Music – free and intense, demanding and magical.

w Eric Falconnier, Joachim Schütz and Till Steinebach


05.06.2024 / Start 21h

Nur Reflexe (video sound performance)

w Sor Boucher, Dörte Habighorst and Michael Steinhauser


06.06.2024 / Start 19h

Linienstück I (sound performance)

w Frau Kraushaar and Laila Unger


06.06.2024 / Start 20h

Leiben Mamabout (performance)

w TokTok


06.06.2024 / Start 21h

mme schall (DJ)


07.06.2024 / Start 19h

PRINCE ISTARI meets ERIK SATIE inna heavy Dub Encounter

im ital corner des hinterconti balduinstraße 24

Dub Soundsystem! Put on your dancing shoes and

meet from 19 – 23 uhr friday 7.6.2024

Rum Bar in Benefit for the B Movie Kino auf St.Pauli



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